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微软 Windows Vista Business w, SP1 - Licence and media - 1 PC - OEM - DVD - 32-bit - Italian (pack of 3 ) 1 份

由 Icecat 创建/标准化
03 Jun 2018, 13:07:53
简短摘要描述 微软 Windows Vista Business w, SP1 - Licence and media - 1 PC - OEM - DVD - 32-bit - Italian (pack of 3 ) 1 份:

微软 Windows Vista Business w, SP1 - Licence and media - 1 PC - OEM - DVD - 32-bit - Italian (pack of 3 ), 意大利语, 1 份, 40 GB, 1 GB, PC(聚碳酸酯), Intel x86 - 1 GHz

完整摘要描述 微软 Windows Vista Business w, SP1 - Licence and media - 1 PC - OEM - DVD - 32-bit - Italian (pack of 3 ) 1 份:

微软 Windows Vista Business w, SP1 - Licence and media - 1 PC - OEM - DVD - 32-bit - Italian (pack of 3 ). 语言版本: 意大利语, 许可数量: 1 份. 最小硬盘空间: 40 GB, 最小内存 (RAM) 要求: 1 GB. 平台: PC(聚碳酸酯), 最低处理器: Intel x86 - 1 GHz

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