Logitech QuickCam Chat for Skype, 640 x 480 像素, 30 fps, 手動的, USB, CMOS, - Free 30-day trial of Logitech VideoCall with online photo sharing function; - One-click video...
Logitech QuickCam Chat for Skype. 最佳影像解析度: 640 x 480 像素, 最大取像速率: 30 fps, 焦距調整: 手動的. 端口: USB, 感應器類型: CMOS. 附加軟體: - Free 30-day trial of Logitech VideoCall with online photo sharing function; - One-click video.... 最小RAM: 128 MB. 最小硬碟空間: 200 MB, 電纜類型: 1 x USB cable, 相容操作系統: Windows 2000 or XP