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HP StorageWorks Business Copy EVA4400 1TB Software Stock LTU

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StorageWorks Business Copy EVA4400 1TB Software Stock LTU
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Podgląd produktu: 80531
Statystyki oparte są o 97136 korzystając z stron ecommerce (sklepy internetowe, dystrybutorzy, porównywarki cenowe, ecommerce ASP itp.) Tylko sponsorujace marki są zawarte w bezpłatnym katalogu Open Icecat, a ich kontent dustrybuowany i używany przez 94642 użytkownicy bezpłatnego Open Icecat.
Informacja na temat modyfikacji: 07 Mar 2024 15:34:52
Dane ostatniej zmiany w opisie tego produktu w Icecat.
Gwaracja: Opcje serwisu i pomocy technicznej: HP Data Replication Solution Service; 3 years of HP Software Support 24 x 7
Gwarancja: Includes one year of HP Software Support 9 x 5 (software technical support and software product and documentation updates).
Standardowa gwarancja: Includes one year of HP Software Support 9 x 5 (software technical support and software product and documentation updates)
Długa nazwa produktu HP StorageWorks Business Copy EVA4400 1TB Software Stock LTU :
Krótki, edytorski opis HP StorageWorks Business Copy EVA4400 1TB Software Stock LTU

HP StorageWorks Business Copy EVA4400 1TB Software Stock LTU
HP StorageWorks Business Copy EVA4400 1TB Software Stock LTU:
Oficjalny tekst marketingowy HP StorageWorks Business Copy EVA4400 1TB Software Stock LTU został dodany przez producenta

HP StorageWorks Business Copy EVA Software, an array based application that utilizes a powerfully simple HP StorageWorks Replication Solutions Manager (RSM) user interface, creates, manages and configures local replication on the full EVA product family to meet business continuity and regulatory requirements. Business Copy EVA shares an integrated management interface with HP StorageWorks Continuous Access EVA Software. The RSM manages all local and remote replication features across the full EVA array storage family. The combination of the Business Copy EVA Software’s unique Snapclone and Vsnap local replication technologies with an unparalleled easy to use RSM interface, businesses now can achieve new IT efficiencies. With the new Instant Restore capability enterprises can now quickly and easily restore a source volume if it should become corrupted. The flexible and cost effective license model offers a simple means to achieve growth without limits when business needs change.

Simple to Manage and configure

• HP StorageWorks Business Copy EVA Software uses an advanced management interface, where users can quickly configure and manage local replication with up to 7x less effort.

Cost effective business continuity solution

• Customers can quickly recover a corrupted Vdisk.

Advanced replication technology

• Customers can create a Vsnap or Snapshot of a source and choose to keep it at the same RAID level, choose a different RAID and place it in a different disk group based on business needs. Snapclones can be presented to different disk groups including FATA.

Krótkie podsumowanie opisu HP StorageWorks Business Copy EVA4400 1TB Software Stock LTU:
To krótkie podsumowanie HP StorageWorks Business Copy EVA4400 1TB Software Stock LTU arkusza dokumentacyjnego zostało wygenerowane automatycznie i używa tytułu produktu i pierwszych sześć kluczowych specyfikacji.

HP StorageWorks Business Copy EVA4400 1TB Software Stock LTU, Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software

Długie podsumowanie opisu HP StorageWorks Business Copy EVA4400 1TB Software Stock LTU:
Jest to automatycznie wygenerowane, obszerne zestawienie HP StorageWorks Business Copy EVA4400 1TB Software Stock LTU oparte na trzech pierwszych specyfikacjach z pięciu pierwszych grup specyfikacyjnych.

HP StorageWorks Business Copy EVA4400 1TB Software Stock LTU. Typ produktu: Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software